Obama Hoping Tea Party Becomes Third Party

It seems the big push, again, is for everyone to just get along, “to work together to solve America’s problems.”  The dems are pushing to paint the Tea Party as extremists (even more than usual).  I believe this is an effort to get the Republicans to move away from them.  If they could get the Republicans to  denounce the Tea Party, it might create a third-party Tea Party candidate, thereby securing reelection for Obama(or so they hope).
There is nothing wrong with a contentious debate over which direction the Republican party should take and we shouldn’t shy away from it.  When the media clamors about the fracture in the party, it is an effort to silence the Tea Party folks, leaving the go- along-to-get-along progressive wing of the Republican establishment to provide our candidate.

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Christie Brinkley: Cut off 30% of NYC’s electricity

I know I shouldn’t expect rocket science out of a supermodel, but Christie Brinkley was on GMA this AM, fretting about how New York should go nuc-free.  I’m paraphrasing, but she said, “Japan highlights how dangerous nuclear power is, and how Indian Point nuclear power plant should be shut down if we want to preserve the NYC we love.” 

First of all, nuclear power wouldn’t be as dangerous if one of her men–Jimmy Carter–hadn’t stopped reprocessing of spent fuel in 1979.  That is what created the spent fuel problem that we have now.  90% of a spent rod is still reusable, only 10% is waste.

Second, and the best, is Brinkley is opening a broadway show on Friday– “Chicago”.  A broadway show requires  a lot of electricity to run, especially in non-efficient, non-flourescent lighting, and NYC gets 30% of its electrical power from the Indian Point NUCLEAR POWER PLANT!

Save the planet, Christie, shut down Broadway first.  Of course, she was appearing on TV in NYC, but I’m sure that didn’t require any electricity to produce.  Rumor has it that Chuck Norris was pedaling a bike backstage to generate all the power for the show.

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Spending Cuts? Man up, America!

I don’t know about you, but when I propose a spending cut at home in my personal budget, it usually entails spending less next month compared to this month.  In Washington D.C. a spending cut amounts to this:  We are not going to spend as much next month as we were originally intending too, but it will still be more than this month!

I know people are busy, but we’ve got to stop this concept of “Yes, we’d like you to cut spending, just don’t cut medicaid, medicare, Social Security, or any welfare programs, or defense!!!”  Are we really just a bunch of children?  I’ve been saying it for a long time, but people won’t allow the budget to be cut surgically, in spite of what Obama says.  We need to cut the budget in the following way.

Just pick a percentage across the board, say 2%.  Every department has to REALLY cut 2% from next years budget.  They’re supposed to be professional people, let them carry out the cut where they see fit.  You tell me there is not at least 2% waste in every bureaucracy every year?  10 years of consecutive 2% cuts and you would see huge savings.  It would take the crabbing about “not cutting my program” out of the argument and might even lead to a feeling of shared work.

There are countless things the Federal Government is doing that it shouldn’t even be involved in, but we won’t get in to that now.  For now, we should at least just cut 2%, or 5%.  It requires little thought, less legislative language, and less media time than any other solution.

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India Trip: Another Example of Why Obama’s Party Lost Tonight

Have you heard some of the details about how much President Obama’s trip to India will cost the taxpayer? You’d better be sitting down.

The plan calls for 40 airplanes to be used to take some 3000 people, including both Airforce 1’s, both Marine 1’s(probably for security reasons), but still 36 other planes! They are renting out the entire Taj Mahal(over 500 rooms) as well as some other 200+ rooms at other hotels. The bill for this trip is $200 million a day, for 10 days!!!

Is this what a President that cares about his country should be doing in an era of big deficits and a terrible economy? This is why the democrats are taking it on the chin tonight-pure elitism. They talk about the deficit and the environment and then hop on the jets and spend a truckload of cash. OUCH.

This is why the Tea Party folks are fed up. And yes, it ticked me off when Bush and Clinton did it too–except that neither of them came close to this!

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Budget Ideas

I don’t know if you’ve heard about the budget that was put forth yesterday.  It’s typically rediculous–huge deficits, no restraint.  Here are a couple of ideas of mine.

1)Close the Federal Department of Education.  $69 billion dollar savings.  Did you know that it didn’t really even exist until the Carter administration?  Education can be controlled by the states much more effectively.  Most teachers hate the No Child Left Behind Law anyway, so this would do away with that.  The states that have well run education would attract people from other states, so this change would increase the incentive to have well run schools.

2)Most politicians don’t have the guts to allow cuts to their pet constituencies, so as I’ve always said,  freeze the entire budget this year(don’t even allow for inflation).   Then cut it 1% per year or 10% per year in each department, no differences, no sacred cows.  We need to shrink this budget and government or it’s going to swallow your kids and grandkids future.  Do you honestly believe there  isn’t enough waste in all of these departments?

I have many others, but don’t want to get into them all yet.  How about Homeland Security–another layer/duplication of stuff the FBI/CIA already does?  They haven’t necessarily proved to be too effective(underwear bomber on Christmas), so why are we paying them?  These budgets have got to get under control before they jeopardize our kids and grandkids futures.  Let me know what your ideas are.

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This is all George Bush’s fault, or is it?

On Friday, President Obama met with the Republicans and among the topics of course, was job losses over the last year.  His contention was that only the job losses from March on, could be linked to him.  The problem with that is businesses look ahead when deciding layoffs and hirings.  Once it became clear that Obama was going to be elected, businesses began planning and reacting to the future policy of the Obama administration.  If you remember, he spoke about raising capital gains taxes, that the responsibility of businesses was to employ people(not to make a profit?),  increased unionization and regulation, and finally raising taxes on those making >$250,000.  Business people, or people in general, are not stupid, they will change their behavior in reaction to elections and new laws.  It is my contention that many of the layoffs were in preparation for the coming storm of all these things.  I’m betting that if Obama got elected on across the board tax cuts, lowering or suspending capital gains taxes, lower business taxes and less government spending, the layoffs would have tapered off far faster and it would have been more of  normal recession.  What do you think?  I’d love to hear from you.

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I love gridlock

President Obama yesterday talked to Republicans about working together to get things done for the American people.  He said that’s what they were sent there to do.  As far as I’m concerned, when Democrats and Republicans say they are working together to get things done for the American people, the only thing that’s getting done is us.  The only things I want them to work together on is repealing overreaching federal laws, cutting taxes, and cutting spending.  There is nothing wrong with gridlock.  The founders wanted it to be hard to pass a law, that’s why the Senate is set up the way it is.  It is supposed to be the slow moving reasoned body.

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Obama is going to help you get a job?

Supposedly tonight in the State of the Union speech, Pres. Obama is going to talk about jobs, jobs, jobs.  All of the sudden he’s not that concerned about healthcare, but does care about the overall state of the economy.  Any President probably gets too much credit and too much blame  for the economy, except when it comes to raising or lowering taxes and creating a favorable business environment.

This President doesn’t care one lick about the private sector, the area where most of us work and the major creator of jobs, especially small business.  Did you know that only 3% of his cabinet has any private sector experience?  That is the lowest of any modern day president.  Obama and all of the people around him have only worked for government–it’s all they know!!  Him(and them) talking to us about private sector job creation(and the conditions favorable to the economy as a whole) is like me telling you ladies out there what pregnancy and childbirth are all about!  Just for the record, I’m not going to attempt to comment about pregnancy or childbirth, lest it just get me in trouble….

Did you know that government jobs and healthcare are the only two sectors of employment that experienced growth last year?  Government jobs actually realized sizable increases in overall pay too.  I can confirm to you that healthcare did not experience that same increase…    If you listen to the President’s speech, just remember that he is commited to advancing union and government jobs only, because both secure votes for him and his party for years to come.  He does not care about entrepreneurism or small business.

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Another Obama speech? Just what we need

Since the Democrats got upset in Massachusetts last week, they have been postulating what they’re doing wrong.  Of course, they think it has nothing to do with the progressive policies they promote or the takeover of healthcare.  They’ve decided they are just not getting their message out!  I think their message has been heard loud and clear, that’s why people were marching in the street last fall and showing up at the townhalls in droves. 

Get this, Obama gave 411 speeches and 158 exclusive interviews in his first year!!!  If that is not getting the message out–what is he going to do this year, 800 speeches?  Give me a break.  This guy has had fawning media helping him along for the last 2 years.  His message stinks–progressive and unconstitutional.  Beware of the words of “government help and stimulus” in the  State of the Union tonight.

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Brown wins, Olympia Snow votes with Democrats?

I’m writing this before the outcome of the Mass. Senate race is known, but everyone is talking about what happens next based on that race.  If Brown wins, many are saying Healthcare reform is done.  Of course, we know things don’t die that easily.  I would love for that to be true, but my fear is that Brown will win and the Pres. will buyout Olympia Snowe’s vote with some “Pine Tree State payola”, similar to what Mary Landreu and Ben Nelson got, and  we’ll be right back to where we are.  The Democrat’s seem hellbent on passing this reform and I’ve heard that Obama has talked to Snowe each of the last two days.

It’ll be interesting to see what happens, and if  I’m right, I think they will live to regret it.  One reason they still want Snowe or some other Republican is that then they can say “Healthcare reform was a bipartisan effort.  God help us all…

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